Digital Rhetoric

How to Boost your Rankings in just 4 steps?

Leading Digital Marketing Agency Since 2019.

Due to the COVID lockdown, nowadays every small business is getting into digital media. This is one of the safest ways to interact with people in todayโ€™s world. As every single thing is changing into digital, why not take your businesses to the next level with digital marketing? We can see the competition in this field has increased drastically, letโ€™s take some steps to get secured and ranked higher in this world of competition.

As we know that technology keeps changing every month, we as Digital Marketers need to be more attentive and always know about the upcoming updates. In digital marketing, you should always be aware of the Google updates.

Google Updates play a very important role in digital marketing. The latest update that took place was in May which affected the content of the websites due to which some industries got a sudden increase in traffic whereas some came down drastically.

These updates will go on and the changes will be visible. To boost your rankings in such situations and even normally, you can always use D.I.R.T SEO.
SEO which means Search Engine Optimization means getting quality and quantity traffic to your website with the help of organic search results. 

The following ways can engage your customers intentionally, using D.I.R.T SEO:

  1. D stands for Delivery: Delivery means the way of writing your content.

This includes Speed and Performance.

Speed plays an important role here. Even if your website is updated and has all the relevant information needed by the user, if the loading time of your website is slow, then all of the content also wonโ€™t matter for the user. This means that the website speed should be good enough for a user to see your website.

A) Factors that affect website speed are:
  • Page Size

Now, you’re probably wondering what page size is.
Let’s clear that doubt:

Page Size means the downloaded file size of your webpage. It may consist of CSS, HTML, Images.

How is Page Size effective for SEO?
Page size is effective for SEO as it not only affects the ranking of the website but also the performance of your website.

  • Server Speed

You can try changing your server, as the server also plays a crucial role in the loading time of the website.
For example WP Engine/Content Delivery Server (Akamai).
To speed up your network you can use Google AMP Framework.

B) Factors that affect the performance of your website include:
  • Security and
  •  Mobile Responsiveness

Let’s talk about Security first,

  • Security includes HTTPS, Anti-hacking website, Content/Link Injections.

HTTPS: Your website should always be SSL Certified this means that your website is secured.

Anti-hacking: This means that you have complete security and your website is protected confidentially.

Content/Link injections: When there are internal links in your websites it helps the users in many ways and it may also help them to come back to your page as they are getting a solution to all there answers in the same page link.
It also helps in reducing the bounce rate of your website. It can even help in enhancing the crawl ability of the site. 
For Example: If you are typing “What is SEO?”, and the users who are new to the field of Digital Marketing donโ€™t know the meaning of SEO, and they click on “SEO”, they should get their answer. This becomes convenient for them and they may continue to see your new upcoming content & updates. This can be done by internal linking on SEO you can put the link to your blog of SEO.

  • Mobile Responsiveness:

Your website should be mobile responsive. This means your website should adjust itself according to the screen size to make it visible properly. All the pages on the website should load faster, it should not take more than 3 seconds to load a page. As research states, websites that take more than 3 seconds to load are ignored by the users.

2) I stands for Infrastructure: Infrastructure means how you build your website.

This includes Crawlability, Markup, and Migration

Factors that affect Crawlability are:
  • Indexation Analysis: This means to track all the activities of your marketing strategy for further reference.
  • SiteMaps: Sitemap is a file that includes the URL of all the pages present on your website. By making this sitemap we help the crawler to know about all the pages on our website in case it misses some of them. This also leads to an increase in google ranking.
  • Robots.txt: Robots.txt is a file that we put in the root folder and it helps us to hide the pages which we donโ€™t want to show to the google bot.
  • Server Redirects: Server Redirects means forwarding the user to the new URL if he/she lands upon the old one. 

There are 2 types of Redirections:

a) 301 that is a permanent redirection.

b) 302 that is temporary redirection.

When you are redirecting your URL you should always go with 301 that is permanent Redirection as it will retain your ranking and the quality score of the website.

Markups generally include the following:

  • Schema Markup: Schema Markups are codes that we put on the website for the Google bot so that it can provide the results to the users in a more informative way.

Schema Markup helps the google bot to understand your website in detail.

Here, is a list of schema markups you can use depending on your websites:

  1. Organization Markup.
  2. Schema Person Markup.
  3. Schema Local Business Markup.
  4. Schema Product and Offer Markup.
  5. Breadcrumbs Markup.
  6. Schema Article Markup.
  7. Video Schema Markup.
  8. Event Schema Markup.
  9. Recipe Schema Markup.
  10. Site Navigation Schema Markup.
  11. Rating Schema Markup.
  12. Review Schema Markup.

Migration means changing your platform of service.

For Example: If your website is HTTP then converting it into HTTPS, Redesigning your websites,  Moving Platforms like if you are using WIX then moving on to WordPress or vice versa.

3) R stands for Relevance:

Relevance means how much does your website equivalents to your search term. For example: If you want your website to appear in the search results, what keywords will you use? How relevant are the keywords?

Relevance includes one of the most important factors of SEO that is Content. How reliable is your content on the website to come into ranking?

This means if your content is fresh enough and related to the trends going on in the digital world and your keywords are correct then no one can stop your website from ranking in google. 
But on the other hand, if your website content is not fresh or unique, this also affects your website and doesnโ€™t allow it to come into ranking even if your keywords are up to mark.

You’re probably waiting for the last step and perhaps wondering how soon you can take actions according to these steps. I wonโ€™t take much of your time and introduce you to the last and the final step to boost your ranking on google:

4) T stands for Trust:

This is the factor that can change the overall thinking of a user. If your user is satisfied with all the information provided by you but if you donโ€™t have this point of trust then you can lose a customer.

Let us move on to see what you can add to your website to gain the confidence and trust of the user.

The first and foremost thing you can put on the website is your testimonials. These testimonials prove that you are a genuine person.

Secondly, you can add your address, phone number, and your location(s) with some images, and never hide anything from the users.

Thirdly, you can add social media links to your websites and always remember that you should have a secure website i.e. HTTPS.

So, in conclusion, after doing all this you can make sure that your websites will rank high on Google and give you a boost in the traffic. Follow these steps and beat your competitors even in this world of competition.

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